Filipinos are the first to experience third-generation 5G Massive MIMO from Huawei

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MetaAAU in the Philippines

A third-generation 5G Massive MIMO system from Huawei has begun commercial deployment outside of China. It is the Philippines that is the first major recipient of MetaAAU. 

This technology brings 5.5G technologies to 5G networks and represents a key development path for 5G networks. 

As a result of the 3.5GHz MetaAAUs deployed in the Philippines, download and upload speeds have increased by 35% and the coverage radius has been expanded by 30%. 

Average traffic increases by 37% as more users are able to access 5G networks. It helps companies achieve ROI and cross-generational performance goals through MetaAAU.

3rd-Gen 5G RAN - The Philippines' Next Big Idea

Since three years ago, the Philippines has been building 5G networks. As a result, 90% of the population in the National Capital Region is covered by the networks. 

It is essential that the Philippines overcome the challenge of large inter-site distances when developing 5G infrastructure. This challenge can be addressed by the third-generation 5G RAN series, utilizing the 3.5GHz MetaAAU as its icon.

In addition to improving coverage and reducing energy consumption, Yang Chaobin, President of Huawei's Wireless Solution, believes that ultra-wideband, multi-antenna, and extremely large antenna arrays are important innovations.

According to him, improving the utilization of air interface resources will facilitate the development of the Philippine communications industry.

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